Is Money the Motivator

Is Money the Motivator 3

Employees leave their jobs for many reasons such as job mismatch, insufficient coaching, position, work-life imbalance, the perception and both distrust toward and low confidence in senior leadership. Still, most managers prefer to see the pull factor of more money as the motivator, refusing to acknowledge the push factors.

You may have heard someone say, “They don’t pay me enough to deal with this!” There is a good chance that money isn’t actually the problem.
It is most likely that one of the employee’s needs are not being met. However, because of that foundational agreement of the salary cheque, money is often at times the default complaint for most of the employees.

In other words, the employee is saying, “If you pay me more I will put up with this abuse.” The problem with this logic is that money doesn’t cause the source of the frustration to change. Money changes the environment outside of work. You’d think this powerful motivator couldn’t be applied to every business, but if you try, it’s nearly always possible.
For example, if you’re selling a dating book for guys, you might talk about how much more confidence they’ll have when they’re able to date beautiful women – confidence that will greatly enhance all aspects of their lives, including their ability to make money, get a promotion, etc.

If you’re selling an organic gardening guide, you might mention that with their greatly increased yields they’ll have tons of produce to sell beyond what they need for themselves. And of course organic produce is in high demand, so it’s a money maker.

If you’re selling a weight loss product, you might talk about how much more energy and confidence they’ll have, leading to more productivity and better opportunities.

From the early history, people think that money is the best motivator. But people do not necessarily produce any extraordinary results because It is true that people keep working for a company for money.

There are three types of leverage. People leverage, time leverage and money leverage, the internet avails your new business to all three types of leverage. Look at it this way, devise a unit of value that you can make in less than a few hours and in that unit of value you can use the leverage of time to make thousands of them making you lakhs of rupees a day.

But what if you used people leverage to outsource your unit of value, so many people create them for you?
What if you use money leverage to scale up the entire machine to a much a greater extent. Leverage is the name of the game in online.
On other hand, one of the desires of everyone is to give protection to his families. It is this desire that is the greatest motivator and which makes them work day and night.

Everyone is aware that life is such a jigsaw puzzle that nothing can be predicted, neither is it so easy that it can be taken for granted. It is this uncertainty that makes people work harder and earn more so that they can spare more for the rainy day. However, they must know that merely by saving money one cannot expect to fight the gloominess of harder times. So in the end for a long time, the people thought that money is the greatest motivator.

Is Money the Motivator 4

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