How Human Resource can Leverage on Cloud Computing

Cloud computing…!! A few years ago this term might have appeared as something straight out of a science fiction movie. Computers and clouds, how do they come together? Cloud computing refers to a computing concept where your files and applications are hosted by third party companies on the Internet. This simply means that you access your software application and files via a web-based interface. The concept focuses on sharing computing resources instead of hosting your files and applications locally on the servers located in your company. There are many clouds computing vendors that offer high-quality services at affordable rates.
Well changing the game is nothing new for HR. This small but infinitely essential segment of any good corporation has seen its share of game-changing innovations. In fact, the term Human Resources or HR is in itself a considerably recent innovation. Have you heard of IR (industrial relations and labor)? Well, that was about 20 years ago so I won’t blame you if you haven’t. IR was all about personnel managers who basically acted like employee trouble-shooting staff when there was trouble.
Compare that to the variability and flexibility of today’s HR managers and you’ll get a good idea as to how this humble business segment of any enterprise is perfectly at home with innovation. There are numerous advantages of implementing cloud computing human-resource systems.
Cloud resource based HR systems eliminate the need for complex infrastructure, or it’s equally complicated maintenance. The need for high-speed data-transfer connections, large-scale storage, expensive software and of course in depth training, basically goes out the window with the introduction of a cloud based human resources department.
All that is a required is a web browser, not much different than the one you are using right now to read this article and all you need to do is connect with one of the many cloud computing services and find all these facilities waiting for you in cyber space. However, the benefits of using cloud resources in HR don’t just end with cost-cutting and resource optimization.
Well-designed cloud based HR systems will ultimately e-enable the employee recruitment process on scale that present systems can’t even dream of. If you are a human resources person, then for once try releasing interview and recruitment-related information on websites like Facebook (which is nothing but a public sector cloud), and you’ll know what I am talking about. In fact, many HR managers are already making use of these avenues and gaining immense benefits.
A cloud enabled HR infrastructure can make it possible to compare different recruitment strategies it terms of their cost effectiveness as well as their effectiveness in searching out the best employees. But of course, the job of human resources in today’s corporate world is far from over when the interviews get over An HR on the cloud system can literally take the helm of the entire training process and provide a completely automated training regime for the new-comers that is both time saving and more efficient. The automation doesn’t just end with new recruit training. Cloud computing HR systems can literally do all the work that human resources department actually does like calculating appraisals, documenting employee leaves and generation of other employees related documents and reports. In short, a cloud integrated HR system will ensure that HR managers don’t have to spend most of their time feeling out excel sheets but instead provide true value to their employers by actually lending the human touch to employee management and take care of personnel on a very intimate level.
Now, cloud computing is in not the first software-based innovation to hit human resources by a long shot However, many of its predecessors have not been able to make much of a mark with the numerous small to medium-level corporations. This is where cloud computing has the potential to be a massive success. Most HR software applications of the past were shunned by smaller enterprises due to their high operating costs. Like I said before, the basic nature of the cloud makes it possible for it to be available at very low costs and sometimes even for free, a term literally unheard of in the corporate dictionary.
Once the HR applications have been hosted on the cloud, the Human-resource managers can leverage on cloud computing in a number of ways.
Improved communication: The HR can use the various HR systems hosted on the cloud to communicate with all the employees in the company regardless of their location. Cloud computing offers a robust infrastructure, whereby users can be able to access files and other HR applications from anywhere in the world, as long as they have Internet connection. This makes it very comfortable for HR managers to interact with employees who are based in the same location as well as other parts of the world. For instance, carrying out a performance and monitoring exercise will be very worry-free. Once the details are well laid out in a HR software application, employees from any part of the world can access it and respond to the various questions asked. The HR can also use this platform for talent management.
Using the cloud computing technology as a golden opportunity to change Human resources: When the brand new cloud computing software is implemented, new functionalities will be added to the system. This is indeed a golden opportunity for a HR manager to change the way work flows are done. The HR manager should use this chance to streamline and eliminate any bottlenecks in the current system. For example, you can change the leave application system from a paper-based method to an online based system.
Ensure employees are self-reliant for all the HR services: This simply means that employees will be able to check some of their details using the cloud computing the human-resource management systems. Some of the information the employees can check, included, pending leave days and other details. This will increase employee’s confidence and perception.
Data Analysis: The HR manager can use a cloud based HR management system to analyze a wide variety of data. Such as information includes the employees who have joined or left the company within a certain time frame or any other information that may be required by the management. As a matter of fact, there are many reports that can be generated from such an application.
Change the Talent Attraction Process: The HR manager can implement a cloud based HR system that will have a well laid-out template whereby job applications can be submitted to the company via the online portal using a predefined template. This will simplify the recruitment process since; all the applications will be in the same format and eliminate the complex situation where a various application are submitted via email in all manners of formats.
Some of the risks associated with using the cloud are the fact that, in this time, day and age where cybercrime is a reality; there is a chance that your data, files and applications can be hacked and unauthorized changes effected. Another risk is that a virus can erase your data or change it to unusable state. To avert such a crisis, the cloud based solution providers employ stringent security measures to ensure that the chances of such an incident happen are very low. You can also install state of the art antivirus software to ensure that your data is protected. It is as well recommended that you should take a backup of your data regularly.
HR Cloud based applications offer a perfect platform to implement and enhance HR strategy as well as manage the employee’s talent. Indeed human-resource managers have been urged to embrace the cloud based mode of computing to ensure that they leap the benefits associated with cloud computing. In conclusion, there are many ways in which a HR manager can use a cloud based HR system to improve the services’ ion the HR department and increase employee’s job satisfaction. Many HR managers have adopted the cloud based system and have enjoyed the advantages. Many more are following the suit, How about your Organization ?
@VinayRavindran1 Very well written Vinay! A Cloud enabled HR Infra is a win-win situation in many aspects of accesibility & analysis ^MO3
— Office 365 India (@Office365India) March 5, 2014
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How Human Resource can Leverage on Cloud Computing – Vinay’s HR Zone !! | U R Friend in HR ..!!
@VinayRavindran1 Very well written Vinay! A Cloud enabled HR Infra is a win-win situation in many aspects of accesibility & analysis ^MO3
the infromation was very much useful