Qualities that distinguish women leaders in management

Qualities that distinguish women leaders in management 1

Because women leaders are essentially placed under a microscope, it is vitally important they utilize managerial techniques which value the self-worth of each person that falls under their management

Proper leadership and management is something that many managers struggle with. This is something that both men and women seem to have a hard time with. Finding a balance when they are placed in positions of leadership can often be exceedingly difficult. However, it is often more difficult for women leaders to be given the opportunity to demonstrate their managerial quality because of the fact that they are women. As a result, it is even more important for them to demonstrate the type of leadership qualities that are needed in order to achieve the best results for everyone involved.

Because women leaders are essentially placed under a microscope, it is vitally important they utilize managerial techniques which value the self-worth of each person that falls under their management. This is important for any manager to do, but many women struggle with finding a balance between being fair and being too harsh in hopes of being heard. As a result, the challenges that are associated with women in positions of leadership can be even greater than those associated with men who are in the same position.

The specific leadership qualities that make women good leaders include many of the same qualities that make men good leaders. It is an ability to lead by example and truly listen to what the individuals who work underneath leaders have to say about a given circumstance. Treating everyone fairly and recognizing the value that each person brings to the table is vitally important. It is very rare that anything actually gets accomplished with just one person’s efforts. It is much more common that great things are accomplished when everyone makes the decision to work together for the greater good. This cannot occur unless people who work underneath a given leader have respect for that individual. Respect must be earned regardless of whether the leader in question is a man or a woman.

Perhaps the thing that differentiates women leaders from men the most is that they have the capacity to lead people without making them feel as though they are being forced into a given situation. This largely comes from the fact that women have a tendency to be more nurturing and that they are skilled at teaching their children the difference between what is acceptable and what is not without forcing them into submission. Many of the same skills are used when they are managing people in the workplace. It allows them to have the unique perspective of gaining a true understanding of what an individual is like and how they can best work with that individual in order to achieve a common goal. It makes the entire process go much smoother.

As such, it is easier to gain additional knowledge about each member of the team in order to help them feel like they are an integral part of the overall project. In other words, a woman’s ability to pick up on the small, unspoken cues of many other individuals and to adjust her approach in order to make people feel more comfortable may be the thing that makes her such an effective leader.

In short, a good leader must have the ability to listen.  It is vitally important that each person be made to feel as though they are valued.  In addition, good leaders never ask anyone to do something they would not be willing to do themselves.  Finally, the ability to treat everyone with respect and handle various situations with decorum are necessary qualities of outstanding leaders.

Share your thoughts with me at vinay@vinayravindran.com  twitter : @vinayravindran1


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HR Magazine India
11 years ago

We’re in agreement that HR must move beyond operational activities to be considered a strategic contributor. I also like your additions to the list, particularly bravery. I think that’s an important component for any leader who is taking action to effect change!

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