Tag Archives: recruitment

Guest Blog:Career Builder: 4 Mindful Ideas to Write a Killer Job Ad

Guest Blog:Career Builder: 4 Mindful Ideas to Write a Killer Job Ad  1

Regardless of the quickly changing atmosphere of online job seekers, the job advertisement remains an important resource for recruiters to drive candidates. In today’s challenging, digitized global world, the job ad must emerge distinctive to stay ahead in the race.

Professional Candidate Interviewing

Professional Candidate Interviewing 3

Recruitment interviews are pivotal in the candidate selection process and play a crucial part in the assessment of professional expertise and social skills. Having a goal-oriented conversation, understanding the requirements of a position, bringing this into the interview and extracting

Guest Blog – Retaining Good People in Your Company is a Big Challenge

Guest Blog - Retaining Good People in Your Company is a Big Challenge 4

“Monetary benefits certainly has an effect on many employees, but there are also a great deal of employees out there who are looking for something that money can’t buy.“ Hiring good employees into your company is only half the battle;

Social Media Tools for Recruiter and Job Seeker

Social Media Tools for Recruiter and Job Seeker 6

Social media has got the fancy of X and Y generation employees, How how could recruiters be far behind in adopting Social Media for HR effectiveness, In this internet world things are fast changing, and everyday lots of sites and

Recruitment Techniques to Identify & Weed-Out Fake Applicants

Recruitment Techniques to Identify & Weed-Out Fake Applicants 7


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